Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Beloved Children, I Ask You for Prayer, Prayer Made with the Heart and Not with the Lips
Message from Our Lady to Angela in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of January 8, 2024

This evening the Virgin Mary presented herself as Queen and Mother of all people. She was dressed in a very light pinkish dress, She was wrapped in a large, broad, blue-green mantle, the same mantle also covered Her head. The Virgin Mary, She had a queen's crown on Her head, Her hands were clasped in prayer, in Her hands a long crown of the holy rosary as white as of light. She also stood in a dazzling light. Her feet were barefoot and rested on the world. The Virgin's face was sad, Her eyes filled with tears. Mother slipped a part of the mantle and covered a part of the world. The other part of the world was shrouded in a large gray cloud. On the right side of the Virgin Mary, there was Saint Michael the Archangel as a great leader.
Praised be Jesus Christ
Dear children, thank you for responding to this call of Mine, thank you for being here.
My children, let My light envelop you, let My love envelop you, do not be afraid.
Beloved children, if I am still here it is because I love you, I am here because of the immense Mercy of God, Who desires that each of His children be saved.
Beloved children, these are the times of trial and pain, hard times await you.
My children, this evening I ask you to pray for peace, peace in your hearts, peace in your families, peace for this humanity increasingly threatened by evil, increasingly far from good.
Beloved children, I ask you for prayer, prayer made with the heart and not with the lips.
My children, the prayer of the holy rosary is a simple prayer, but it is a strong prayer, a powerful prayer.
My children, pray unceasingly, be persevering, but above all be vigilant, do not be confused by the false beauties of this world.
My children, also this evening I wrap you all with My mantle, I look at your hearts and I see that many of you despite My presence have a hardened heart, a wounded heart.
My children, abandon yourselves to Me, I am here to lead you all to Jesus, I show you the way but you do not listen to Me.
Daughter, now pray with Me!
I prayed with the Virgin Mary, we prayed for the Church and for the Vicar of Christ. As I prayed with the Virgin, I saw visions flowing.
Then Mother started talking again.
Children, pray, pray, pray.
Finally She blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.